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MEAN STREETS (Word on the Curb)

Writer's picture: Chioma OnwudiweChioma Onwudiwe

Karma is a b_ _ ch!

What goes around comes around. You get what you give. When you play with fire, you get burned. When you cast spells, it returns back to you in a fiercer version. You lie with dogs you get up with fleas. And one that I made up, 'Eventually the joke ends up on the joker" And on and on and on...

The 'mostest and bestest' (I had to make up words :)) selling book of all times, puts it this way. You reap what you sow. Yes even in the face of Mercy and Forgiveness, there are consequences to our actions and wicked deeds.

Others say what you put out to the universe is what you get out of it. Very true! For example you cannot torture someone else's treasure for the fun or spite of it and then build a fortress around yours, talking about people are after it. In lay terms, the universe kept your actions for you (so to speak) and then dispensed/or will dispense it at another time and place. Simple equation. Now if you are innocent and got attacked, do not worry. You will come out victorious!

Here is another sentiment of English origin: "Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches". In other words, unless you have been a victim of persecution, discrimination, harassment and intimidation. You may want to take a seat, before flowers start growing out your head.

In the movie MOSES, can you imagine the hard task masters saying to the slaves: "You ought to stop complaining, Pharaohs wife is an angel and she removed the straws for your good. I mean she is so sweet, we eat at her table every day and she fills our pockets with 'dough". I am sure you do and I believe she does. So more power to lunch time antics and mo' money. Because sooner than later, that food will turn to straw and ill gotten finances often grow wings.

Reminds me of the nursery rhyme:

Humptey Dumptey sat on the wall (wrong move)

He had a great fall (consequences)

Here is the big cincher:

All the kings men, could not put him together again ( Even if they hollered, mocked, threatened and bleated. By the way, they did it for their sake anyways not his)

Listen don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Humptey, I hope there wasn't much collateral damage though.

I read a very interesting story about a couple named Adam and Eve. It turns out wifey Eve got involved in a bunch of stuff she knew better not to. Eve should never have agreed to the serpents deal. But she did because in her heart she wanted what the serpent offered. Adam was not there but he knew better and refused to deal with issues. Now he has to bear the consequences too. Blaming and cussing at the apple tree did not change that. Neither will mocking the messenger.

I woke up the other day feeling good and feather light. There was not a soul in the world on my hit list, really. I am healed mentally, emotionally and physically. So I decided to take a leisure stroll and have a jolly time. Then I heard a loud groan, it was my untold story. Being yet untold, had many people trapped and in hopeless pain. I could not do that to them. Those trials were not about me. Miraculously, I came out minimally scarred. Considering the magnitude, voracity and viciousness of those attacks and devious activities. The lessons enabled me to be able to say to someone who was violated, cheated, robbed and hopeless. Its not over, till it is over....

So that's whats up and that is the word on the streets! The jolliers and jokers may strike up the music and 'lol' to a street called REPERCUSSIONS. I won't be laughing because I know how serious this stuff is.

But Karma is still a relentless b_ _ ch!

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