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Some Serious and maybe fun facts of life:

Experienced and observed by this very rare and exquisite GEM



"Since evil is relentless, good must be unyielding and formidable". Chioma Onwudiwe

"I create a place and then I invite the world. I don't run to the world to find my place." Chioma Onwudiwe


Arrows might not get a moving target, as easily as it wound a stationary one."

Chioma Onwudiwe
#keepitmoving, #aintnostoppingusnow


"Oh, the dangers and debilitation of a delusional existence." Chioma Onwudiwe


"A true 'thick-skinned' person, is the one who has learned to prioritize and pick their battles, all the time feeling. It is not the conscienceless and apathetic person, whose hypocrisy/pretension might eventually prove fatal." Chioma Onwudiwe


"There comes a time, when you have to grab the wishful thinking and make it an existing reality." Chioma Onwudiwe


"Make sure that as tomorrow becomes today, you have not wasted yesterday."

Chioma Onwudiwe


"Time has a compulsory receipt. Play now and pay later or pay now and play later." Chioma Onwudiwe


"Erase history and the present is uncertain, causing the future to roam reckless." Chioma Onwudiwe


"The availability of choices leads to independence, which ultimately opens doors to consequences."  Chioma Onwudiwe



"There is an empowerment that comes with knowing you did the right thing, even if it sets you back decades and trophies later." Chioma Onwudiwe


"Decide to live in such a way, that you can defend your success without poignant rhetorics." Chioma Onwudiwe


"The real poor person, is the soul that can only thrive when they deprive others." Chioma Onwudiwe


"I am extremely wealthy, because even in my lack, I have enriched many!" Chioma Onwudiwe



"Most compromised situations, are valued at a high price. However, it's perceived honor and reward, depreciates with time and breeds indignity." Chioma Onwudiwe



"Do not pull on a lion's tail and then complain about the roar that comes before it devours." Chioma Onwudiwe


"For those who must rise the highest, will trudge the hardest." Chioma Onwudiwe 


"Eventually, a state of perpetual dissent. Soon loses its practical purpose and power." Chioma Onwudiwe



"One major sign of authenticity, is that a portrayal is accurate and consistent."

Chioma Onwudiwe


"Be certain the person in the mirror, is not the problem." Chioma Onwudiwe



"By all means, slay with your outfit and looks. But be sure to slay those inner demons, for they will pop out and mess everything up!" Chioma Onwudiwe


"If you do not know yourself, then no one can know YOU." Chioma Onwudiwe


"Oh, that I had the looks to take me far. My head is overworked." Chioma Onwudiwe


"It is the fully fed child, that fusses at the mode through which it just received food." Chioma Onwudiwe


"Be even more diligent to guard your victory, than you were to get it." Chioma Onwudiwe


"If dreams were wishes, elephants would fly." Chioma Onwudiwe


"Those that know, know what they know...." Chioma Onwudiwe


"Run with what grows in your womb, for one day (at the right time), you will birth it." Chioma Onwudiwe


"A thing of great value is often hidden, until it is absolutely needed. Not hurled about carelessly or crudely." Chioma Onwudiwe


"Don't introduce yourself to the world with your chest (Or what have you) and then demand that they admire your brain." Chioma Onwudiwe 


"I was never afraid of starting from the bottom. I always knew the top where I belonged, would find me." Chioma Onwudiwe


"An authentic Artist's most powerful and effective medium is the very essence of who they are. Chioma Onwudiwe/2014


"For most of my life, I sought to blend in. But it did not work out." Chioma Onwudiwe


"Unlike colors, a neutral state is a dispassionate state." Chioma Onwudiwe


"A person living in an ingrained lie, cannot view others in an obvious truth." Chioma Onwudiwe


"My persuasion is almost always peculiar, but it is prolific and powerful." Chioma Onwudiwe 


"I would have crumbled and withered, if my foundation was feeble and faulty." Chioma Onwudiwe


"Don't start something you cannot finish, or that might shatter you by the time it ends." Chioma Onwudiwe


"I cannot compare the pace of my life's race with another's. They are not carrying what I am carrying." Chioma Onwudiwe

"The measure of my many mishaps, was in correlation to the magnitude of my mission and my message." Chioma Onwudiwe


"Don't bully because you are bigger and don't undermine because you feel smaller" Chioma Onwudiwe


"I have always been who I am and always had what I have. But I never got to live like it." Chioma Onwudiwe


"The second time around, is fearless, fortified and more fruitful." Chioma Onwudiwe 


"The absence of light, is the obstruction of vision." Chioma Onwudiwe


"One cannot reinvent, or duplicate another's life story or formative factors. However, every person can thrive and shine in being themselves." Chioma Onwudiwe


"Yes, there is a place where your humongous past pain. Becomes a platform and production plantation for your thriving future." Chioma Onwudiwe


"It is impossible to cover a shine, or smother a light. Whose innate source is unquenchable. And whose flames were fanned over time, by tears, sweat and sacrifice." Chioma Onwudiwe 


"You are of the stock of 'true greatness', if you can thrive and be productive, without the overblown attention and hype of out times." Chioma Onwudiwe


Irksome is the cry of a chronic offender, when they are offended. Chioma Onwudiwe


"Natural has an inbuilt and easy sustainability. High maintenance is usually associated with unnatural." Chioma Onwudiwe


It is not so much about me pursuing a dream, than it is about my stepping into a predestined and prepared purpose. Chioma Onwudiwe


"Alas, my hindrances and harassments served as an incubator." Chioma Onwudiwe


"People in straw or wood houses, should not start a fire." Chioma Onwudiwe


"The box office, music charts, bestseller lists, runways and glossy covers. May never be able to tell the magnitude of my worth, like the dark world does. Though they deprive and hinder me, they are still gravely threatened by my value." Chioma Onwudiwe

"For all the hit, hindrance and hate that I have withstood. I rise and I stand. Now that is phenomenal." Chioma Onwudiwe


"There is only one group of people I envy in this world. Those that have the luxury of creating or inventing in-existent problems. What constantly looks and searches for me 24/7, is the real deal. How I often wish it was all stunts and smoke screens" Chioma Onwudiwe


"People perceive certain people to be and act a certain way, because if they were or had what their subject of perception possessed. The perceiver would act exactly the way, that they had perceived certain people would be and act." Chioma Onwudiwe  


"I am not good at joining the problem, that is because I am busy brainstorming for a solution." Chioma Onwudiwe


"It was a heart issue, before it was a skin problem." Chioma Onwudiwe


"I like who I am. You should too." Chioma Onwudiwe


"Trouble is just that, trouble. But the worst kind of trouble, is the one that could have been avoided. Chioma Onwudiwe



I make the outfit better, not the other way around. Chioma Onwudiwe



You will make plan 'A' work, when there is no plan 'B'. Chioma Onwudiwe


I choose (often) the narrow way. There are less people to distract and hinder. Chioma Onwudiwe


When you have got the bird's eye view of a situation, you will respond differently from the norm. Chioma Onwudiwe 


True greatness, is never without the element of integrity. Chioma Onwudiwe


The voices of manipulation, seduction and destruction, is often soft and low.
Chioma Onwudiwe


If we do not nourish our bodies with filth. Why then do we flourish our souls with it? Chioma Onwudiwe


Do 'let it go', but don't go letting it. Chioma Onwudiwe

We could make a grave mistake, when we are distracted from purpose and pulled from position. Chioma Onwudiwe


Whatever you stand for, will eventually invade your life. Not necessarily favorably. Chioma Onwudiwe


You are halfway through the battle, when you can figure out what it is really all about. Chioma Onwudiwe

Let the trying times prepare and equip you to receive and enjoy the coming good. Chioma Onwudiwe

To not resolve to quit, will crack open at least one door. Chioma Onwudiwe


When the character of a talent is never tried or tested, it tends to trip the talent at the top. Chioma Onwudiwe

I have an innate antidote, to any stereotype that might be thrown my way. Chioma Onwudiwe


Sometimes seeing what I saw and knowing what I knew, l chose vulnerability. Chioma Onwudiwe


The purpose of kindness to help and lift not establish callous entitlement. Chioma Onwudiwe


It is difficult to successfully process and handle the future. If you have not accessed, understood or dealt with the past. Chioma Onwudiwe


Aim more for a spectacular life, than for a spectacular day. #decisionsandconsequences Chioma Onwudiwe


As a harried sapling, I felt very bad and weird that I did not fit into a box. Now as a grown and authentic trunk I am the happier for it. Chioma Onwudiwe

(smiley face)


Those that would rise to the pinnacle of inspiring greatness are so often holed, hindered and harassed on the journey. It only makes for a wise, strong and grounded occupance, when they get there. Chioma Onwudiwe 



It is not compulsory that youth should be encased in foolishness and its by-products. For when one grows up, if one grows up. They have to live with the consequences and outcome of earlier undertakings. It does not taste so good much later.

Chioma Onwudiwe


For all the things that could have happened to me earlier in my life, I am content with what did. It could have been worse. Chioma Onwudiwe



I was in an involuntary state of captivity and hibernation while most lived their lives. So time frames, restrictions and limitations have absolutely nothing on me. (revised) Chioma Onwudiwe



If something does exist indeed, denying its existence will not cause it to cease to exist.

Chioma Onwudiwe


Alas, I have found that the obstacles of my past were instruments of preparation for my present and my future.  Chioma Onwudiwe  


Yes, there is a place without opposition. It is called the 'land of mediocrity'. Chioma Onwudiwe 


New heights, new haters. Chioma Onwudiwe


If I must still be subject to the struggles, perils and burdens of my youth. Reclaiming and reawakening stolen and stagnated dreams. Then I must look the part, adequately imbued with vigor and hope to fulfill my calling. Chioma Onwudiwe

#Finish'ya'race, #Nounfinishedbusiness


I am thankful for the sum total of my life. Every aspect of it. The good, the bad and the downright ugly. Together they produced a rare and exquisite gemstone that could never be recreated, replicated or replaced. Chioma Onwudiwe



Water and soap should be a girl's next best friend. Chioma Onwudiwe


To have been underestimated is powerful. To have been overestimated is shameful. To have been rightly estimated is typical. Chioma Onwudiwe


A wicked and foolishly proud person will translate humility in others as stupidity. Chioma Onwudiwe


Life is too short and hard, to live a non-authentic life which is validated by the ebb and flow of public and social opinion. #Tothineownselfbetrue, #Beoriginal Chioma Onwudiwe


 A person with the right company and the right influence, has the potential of becoming a better version of themselves and vice versa. #Badcompanycorruptsgoodmanners Chioma Onwudiwe


The power of authenticity and originality is that it manifests with little or no effort. Chioma Onwudiwe


Some of us were late bloomers in terms of our purposes. Tossed by every wind, blocked by every hindrance. But when we got our bearings, bloom we did. Chioma Onwudiwe


"Cherish not only the prize, but the journey it took to get to the prize." Chioma Onwudiwe


"I believe that when one is fully awakened to purpose, any lure of 'lazy slumber' is rarely tempting." Chioma Onwudiwe


It is a prettier and more profitable gold that has gone through an imposed refining fire. Chioma Onwudiwe


Its not just about when you get there, it is also about how you got there.

Chioma Onwudiwe


Be just as relentless to stay standing as your enemy is for you to fall. Chioma Onwudiwe


Be just as relentless to win as your opponent is for you to fail. Chioma Onwudiwe


Superficiality and shallowness will drown in the presence of sensibility. Chioma Onwudiwe


Being in the 'know' does a mind some good. Chioma Onwudiwe


It is so exhilarating to have taken a good yet discouraging and seemingly daunting road and then find out on the other side of your destination, there was no better way to have taken. Chioma Onwudiwe


If you have it and can do it but choose not to do it, while advising against doing it that is respectable. If you have it and can do it and do it that is understandable. If you have it but cannot do it that is relatable. If you do not have it but hoped you could do it, that is pitiable. But if you do not have it and cannot do it, yet secretly wishing you could do it. While constantly railing against those doing it, that is deplorable. Chioma Onwudiwe


If what is in you cannot do it originally, then what they give you cannot sustain it eventually. Chioma Onwudiwe


One of life's special moments, is when you have disappointed those that expected and wanted you to fail. Chioma Onwudiwe


A state of denial about an unpleasant reality, does not change the reality for better. It only allows and enables the reality to become even more unpleasant. Chioma Onwudiwe


My trials metamorphosed into triumphs and my tears crystallized into trophies. Chioma Onwudiwe



The most arrogant and 'loudest' people I ever met, had nothing to be proud or loud about. Chioma Onwudiwe #Itisnotwhoyouthink


The resilience of my inner strength, should not undermine the cruelty and brutality that tested that strength. Chioma Onwudiwe #survivor


I was in an involuntary state of hibernation while most lived. So most time frames and limits have absolutely nothing on me. Chioma Onwudiwe


It is redundant and counter-productive, to widely generalize or categorize a population by the sampling of a cross-section of that population. Chioma Onwudiwe 


Could you be the faulty common factor in all those twisted equations? Chioma Onwudiwe


Fewer entanglements definitely equals fewer embitterments. Chioma Onwudiwe


Allow an inch today and tomorrow there will be a subtle encroachment or an abrasive demand for a yard. #devildeals Chioma Onwudiwe


Being smart or 'not so smart', could be or not be hereditary. But true and effective wisdom has only One source. Chioma Onwudiwe


There were places I could not go physically, but reading took me there mentally. Chioma Onwudiwe


I could not live a life publicly that was not sustained privately. Chioma Onwudiwe


Every now and then, some rare flower must bud and blossom in its own time. It must defy biological expectations and sequential timing. It must embrace a Designer's peculiar shift. It must be the rare flower that it was meant to be. Chioma Onwudiwe


I did not know then what 'it was', but I knew for sure what 'it was not'. Therefore, I would not invest my essence in nonsense. Chioma Onwudiwe


Sometimes, we accidentally stumble upon what was ours all along.... Chioma Onwudiwe


It is better to get people thinking, than to get them talking. Chioma Onwudiwe


You do not lose because of what life has dealt you. You lose when you do not make it work for you. Let pain be a refiner and a strengthener. Chioma Onwudiwe


I believe 'law and order' in a free society is undergirded by an 'Absolute truth'. Chioma Onwudiwe


Skit originality, execution and writing by Chioma Onwudiwe

Young man: "I do not believe there is an absolute truth. Anyone can do what feels right to them."

Employer:  "You do have a point there you know; freedom for all in all things. Hmmm....." (Starts to walk away) "Oh, by the way, you are not getting paid this week. I just don't feel like writing a check or giving you money. It is my company after all and I can do what I want."

Young man: "Huh, but why? That is not fair. That is not right!"

Employer: "That's not right? Says who?...."



I cannot totally depreciate all that I went through, because I  totally appreciate who and what it made me. Chioma Onwudiwe


You start living, not with the passing of time. But with the grasping of self. Chioma Onwudiwe


Be careful! Sometimes it is not a change of heart or intent, but a change of mode and equipment. They still mean to do you wrong.

Chioma Onwudiwe  #staysmart&safe#


(Dear Chioma),

As you re-embark on your life's journey, gradually turning your lemons into sweet lemonade. The disgruntled and irrelevant 'roaches' will crawl out of their dank spaces to bark at your progress, as if they were dogs. You can step around them, step over them or step on them. The choice is yours. But keep it moving. It is imperative and just (right), that a deviously interrupted destiny be re-instated. Chioma Onwudiwe 


The process it takes to prepare the diamond is directly proportional to the glow it would (could) emit and its eventual worth. Chioma Onwudiwe #mylife,  Processed Pain ∝ Premium/Payment


Quick fixes fade just as quickly. Chioma Onwudiwe


The sacrifices and endurance of the past, were painful and often seemed foolish and slow. But it paid off.  Chioma Onwudiwe



The foundation of 'yester-years' is what today will stand on, and what tomorrow will build with. Chioma Onwudiwe


The more you know yourself, the more you know who belongs around you. Chioma Onwudiwe



You can do what you like. But what you like may not 'do you' like you like. Chioma Onwudiwe


Yuck!! #&@*+%# (spit, spit, spit).... That moment you realize you have been drinking from a bitter, contaminated and toxic cup. Metaphorically speaking of course (smiley). #toxictattlers Chioma Onwudiwe



The (unspoken) problem with the 'sex sells', 'foolishness makes famous' and 'controversy brings attention' movement is you wake-up one day and you just don't feel like doing any of the above anymore. But then it is too late.... It stuck in 'their' heads the first time. Chioma Onwudiwe  

#justcanteatyourcakeandhaveittoo, #sosorry, #theironyoflife



Spend more energy being the best of yourself that searching for the worst in others. Chioma Onwudiwe



I have been here and I have been there (in all of its glory). I have found there is only one source of real peace, satisfaction and contentment. Chioma Onwudiwe


Simplicity is often bred by confidence and authenticity. Chioma Onwudiwe



'It is what it is' if you have resigned yourself to 'what it is'. Chioma Onwudiwe



If one is in denial of their chains, then they are in refusal of their freedom. Chioma Onwudiwe



They said; I did not look as preferred, think in an alloted box, limit my knowledge, act like expected or fit a certain mold. I said; Halleluia! The world has not met me yet... Chioma Onwudiwe



Influence is more powerful than popularity. When the hype of fame is over, a void still remains and the search continues. But when a course is changed, the effect transcends generations. Chioma Onwudiwe

#relevance, #stayingpower



If I am not pulling out my wallet, then chances are I am not buying it. Chioma Onwudiwe


It is so ridiculous and pathetic, to watch a person give an advice that was not a reality in their own lives. Chioma Onwudiwe



The first ones ready to launch from your 'platform' are usually the ones that hindered the building of that 'platform' in the first place. #Sigh Chioma Onwudiwe 



The knife that one plunges into the back of another today, might be plunged into their own heart tomorrow.

Chioma Onwudiwe



Real love is sacrificial.... Chioma Onwudiwe


And the snake said to a resting Lion: "You shouldn't lie on the ground you know. That is so gross!" Chioma Onwudiwe



The villian is innocent and harmless, until we are the victims. Chioma Onwudiwe



There are no overnight successes. You either did not see the hustle, or you chose to ignore it. (revised) Chioma Onwudiwe


Those whose strength is in nasty and putrid actions, soon decay themselves. Chioma Onwudiwe



If in the appearance of 98% good all you see is 2% bad, then chances are you are 98% bad and 2% good. Hence the preferred focus. Chioma Onwudiwe


To be uninvolved is to be ineffective. Chioma Onwudiwe


Could you live with and like yourself without 'the props' and when no one was looking? Chioma Onwudiwe


I died a thousand deaths, to live one life. Please do not mess with me. Chioma Onwudiwe


If you have eaten your cake, do not get mad as I savor mine! Chioma Onwudiwe


Most times I have to be quiet because my (bird's eye view) perspective, will most definitely tip the boat over. Chioma Onwudiwe


Some people are good at correcting what others have done, but they never really do anything themselves. Chioma Onwudiwe


It is futile to throw shade on an object backed by the Sun. Chioma Onwudiwe


Prevention has always been and will always be cheaper, less painful and better than cure. (Revised) Chioma Onwudiwe.


This society is crisis prone and little is ever done to prevent. We love the drama of fixing things over the calm of having diffused it. Chioma Onwudiwe


Attacking the messenger, This society is crisis prone and little is ever done to prevent. We love the drama of fixing things over the calm of having diffused it.never changes the message. Chioma Onwudiwe


The absence of belief for a thing, does not negate its existence nor protect from its effect. Belief is a choice whose power is merely personal. Chioma Onwudiwe


I am guilty!! For my MEEKNESS and humility had inadvertently deceived many Chioma Onwudiwe


I know why the caged bird sang. SHE WANTED OUT!! (Revised) Chioma Onwudiwe


Be allies with the enemy, be fallen with the enemy. Chioma Onwudiwe


Whose reward/loyalty program are you on? The thief, the killer or the life Giver? Chioma Onwudiwe


The most pitifull and hideous form of envy shrouds itself in moral indignation! Chioma Onwudiwe 


The morality of an impervious soul never applies to their own devious actions. It just seeks another to bother. Chioma Onwudiwe 


They wish it were them that way. But when it isn't them, they wish that way were not. Chioma Onwudiwe


Envy is loud and indignant when it does not get its way.  Chioma Onwudiwe


Use your pain, to push into your purpose. Chioma Onwudiwe


It is never a good idea, to come at a 'warrior' with war and challenge. Chioma Onwudiwe


Being real can be the hardest thing and make you prone to people's hate. But it is also the most liberating. I choose liberty any day! Chioma Onwudiwe


Oh how 'Lucer' beckons me. Trade thy soul and heart for treachery, filth and decay. My reply: Take several seats behind me as I vomit your offer. Besides my heart and soul are right where they respectively belong. Chioma Onwudiwe


You have reached the 'International Trading Center'. Where greed and betrayal knows no bounds. How much shall we offer you to bring Chioma Onwudiwe on a golden platter?? Oh, for to the catch a priceless gem. Who will sell? Family? Friends of family? Acquaintances? Fellows? Who? #whodonit? #weareallwatching #makemyday!


The audacity of 'insult upon injury'. Comparing great men to touts and liars. How much lower, before we start grovelling in sheep dung? #sheepfarmmentality. Chioma Onwudiwe 


The 'vampire' you support and protect today will feed on your blood and flesh tomorrow. Its a sure thing.

Chioma Onwudiwe


I am pulling out the arrows (shot at me) from my sore back, and I am fixing the string on my bow.... Chioma Onwudiwe


We know exactly who we are, even when people tell us differently. Chioma Onwudiwe


I have several and different 'looks' (At any given angle or swivel). It is not a puzzle, problem nor a plague. IT IS AN AWESOME GIFT, an unearned PRIVILEGE and an AMAZING PHENOMENON!!! Chioma Onwudiwe      


The 'Frankeinstein' behind the closed door will naturally and definitely come after the person that helped create it. Chioma Onwudiwe


History often repeats itself.... 'How the west was won' is exactly how it will be lost. Chioma Onwudiwe


So the turtle said to the giraffe; 'you don't have to stretch and be way up there. Be content to dwell down here with the rest of us, we have necks too'. ...... And finally, the giraffe replied: 'you dull-witted, vapid and doltish idiot....!' Chioma Onwudiwe


In this society, some people try to shut down and alienate what they cannot understand or control. That method paralyzes knowledge and impedes growth. And a 'people' remain stunted in awareness. Chioma Onwudiwe


Never let anyone use your well meaning platform, to vent their insecurities and jealousies. It is like the discoloration of clean, clear and pure water. Chioma Onwudiwe 


A clear conscience and pure motives does wonders for the skin. Chioma Onwudiwe


Familiarity breeds (a whole lot of) contempt. But it can always be fixed. (REVISED) Chioma Onwudiwe


I happen to belong to the three main communities, that will quickly and willingly destroy their own. I was concerned at first, but then I found out that I was an 'Antidote'. A fierce and relentless one too! Chioma Onwudiwe


Do credit and honor the one you emulate. Chioma Onwudiwe


You can stand in my spot and take my place, but you cannot replace ME! Chioma Onwudiwe 


One should not expect for themselves, what they despise in others. Chioma Onwudiwe


One angry and bitter soul, should not and does not a population make.  Chioma Onwudiwe


Whenever an authentc Artist performs or delivers a creative work, they lose a piece of themselves (soul). That void has to be filled.

Chioma Onwudiwe 2014


Which part of my pain and agony would you also be demanding today? Chioma Onwudiwe


Take it from the source', that's really all they can do or say" (Revised) Chioma Onwudiwe


Spite' will only ridicule the bearer of it. Chioma Onwudiwe


'Naming and claiming' what does not belong to you, gets you arrested. Chioma Onwudiwe


The problem with 'fake' is after a display of what is not, comes the torment and misery of what really is. Keep it real!

Chioma Onwudiwe


Light attracts insects too. But that's okay, there is always a swatter standing nearby by. Chioma Onwudiwe


Misery does not want advice, solution or help. It wants company! (Revised) Chioma Onwudiwe


Some people 'be-friend' each other, not because they like each other. But because they have a common threat. Chioma Onwudiwe


There is no greater 'ugly' in life, as a wicked heart, a manipulative spirit and a stony mind. To possess all three is hideous. Chioma Onwudiwe 2014 



Did you know that the concept of 'Common sense' is actually very uncommon. It is quite rare!  (ROTF-LOL)


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Edited Image 2015-2-26-21:54:51
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