We may see what we want to, but it won't change, what is.
Everyone wants good things, prefers good tidings, hopes for good outcomes and expects good news.
Then how come, very few uphold it? And fewer defend it. Even worst, is that most fight it, suppress it and intend to annihilate it.
What's even scarier, is that the ones that destroy it. Are the ones that depend the most, on its benefits.🤔
Are the planks holding up your platform, real or reeled unjustly from another. Is your passion flowing from the inside authentically or engineered from the outside synthetically? Then know that fake, does not longetivity make and cannot credibility take"
Chioma Onwudiwe/2019
"Firstly, there is a need for crowd control. At least until they are all zombified and eventually destroyed. Secondly, in every territory, industry, field or arena. We must limit the slot for progression and placement. We will then fill it with whomever we are comfortable and collaborative with. That is a person or persons, that would easily be molded. And without question or chance of challenge, conform to our plans and mission. Persons that will have no choice but to promote our wiles, because we have heavily aided and promoted them.”
Culled from 'The MONITORS', by Chioma Onwudiwe/2015
"What's the difference, between a boomerang and a doom errand? The first results from action and is a hopelessly agonizing payback. The latter is an attack, that finds the innocent victim, eventually rising." Chioma Onwudiwe/2019
Click on arrow, for video. This site is so clumsy, they uploaded it without the cover picture.