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The MONITORS/2015 (Who's Fooling Who?)

Writer's picture: Chioma OnwudiweChioma Onwudiwe

"The world is an audition room, for the coming and real act."

Chioma Onwudiwe

There is an earth, a hell and a glorious heaven....

The dumbest move ever?:

Bivus waited and watched, as Heinus and Xitus chatted about new schemes and directives from the 'fly-lord'. He seethed inwardly, as a mirage of unanswered questions still rolled through his head. Every now and then, in fact more often than not these days. A wave of rebellion and rage, would rise in him against the present status-quo. But he also knew, not to make much of it. That was not a new or strange feeling. That was their nature. That was what made them who they were now and put them in the place where they were and would later be confined. However, he figured that the more he learnt about himself, his kind and their enemy. The better he was able to play his part, without being harmed by those mortals, that were protected and imbued with fighting authority.

Heinus tapped on the great mirror, the whole time he spoke to Xitus. Then shortly afterwards, walked away from the chamber again. Bivus then grabbed the opportunity, to continue with their previous conversation. Sidling closer to Xitus, he proceeded with his initial queries.

"Listen, like I had been wondering and saying. And to answer your previous question. I just brought up the 'knowledge of everything' topic, because of the master's recent and incessant ranting about the mark and its bearer. His mounting pressure on us about the source of an annihilate attack or impediment. Burning us, every chance he gets to. Blaming us for what deludes him. If you ask me, I would have thought he would have figured it all out by now himself."

The second monitor Xitus, could not help the roar of laughter that burst out of him again. His instant and startling bellow, caused two other monitors at the far side of the chamber, to cast furtive looks their way.

"You still do not get it, do you?" Xitus stopped roaring so he could speak. "The ONE who gave the mark and planned the insurgence, howbeit covertly. And solely designed the end of everything. Has hidden His actual plans, from our master and certainly from us!"

After another spate of laughter, the monitor continued. "He controls everything. Although it does appear otherwise sometimes. He does not cause everything however. That is probably where we come in, with our doom and destruction. But nothing bypasses Him, I tell you." Xitus had now lowered his voice to a whisper. "Do those annoying mortals know this?" Bivus' interest was at a high peak.

"Thankfully, very few." Replied the second monitor who sneered in relief. "And those that do, it is simply because they dared and sought to know. Even if a sizable amount, will not act on what they know. Nor exercise the gifts and opportunities given them. This works well for us, as we advance and encroach their territories" He paused to study his comrade, before continuing. Wondering as he did, the reason for the sudden invested interest. "As for the rest of them, our slaves they are so to speak. We remain their idols and commanders." Xitus struggled this time, to control his roar. He did not want to draw any more attention to himself and his third comrade. "Here is how it works," He beckoned to Bivus, with his upper limb. Inviting him even closer.

"We do a lot of roaring, like you just heard me do now." Xitus was shaking with suppressed laughter, even as he spoke. "But as much as I hate, to tell you this. The loudest roaring lion, does so because he really has no teeth. The loudness is to scare the enemy, before it becomes a real and actual threat." Bivus stared at him incredulously. Xitus who was enjoying his audience's amazement, grimaced and continued.

"The fierce and really powerful One. The real King of the 'jungle of existence', makes no sound. And just as likely, when He pounces on His prey. It is as good as done!" The third monitor gaped at his second counterpart, while trying to stifle what felt like admiration building up in his countenance. Yet he listened on, as that one continued.

"He marches on, doing His purposed bidding. Even as he interweaves, our constant interruptions and destruction into His plans."

"Wow!" Exclaimed Bivus. "Why then do we bother? He has it all wrapped up and locked up. Must be like attempting to walk through a mountain."

"Well yes and no." Said Xitus grimacing. "He has an 'achilles heel'."

"What?! All that power and vulnerability too?"

"Yes and no." Reiterated Xitus again. "You see the mortals, he has released to their own will and choices. He could snuff them all out with one word. But he does not, because of a word I cannot use and you cannot hear. But nonetheless, they must make the choice and decision to be aligned with Him."

"Sounds easy enough to me." Stated Bivus flatly.

"Not for the knuckle heads, no." Replied the second monitor with a chuckle.

"Most will choose us. I mean MOST! It is easy and temporarily pleasurable. Though they think the pleasure infinite. Their rebellion, will put them in tune and availability to us. And like Heinus, once explained to me also. Even without making a choice. By default they will belong to us." "So what has that got to do with the 'All Powerfull'." Bivus was desperate to know. "'The All Powerful', will be all hurt. For each one that chooses us and our fate. But it would have been their rightful choice to make. And that my comrade, is a worthy hit. Yes we get to sweat and roast here, but not alone. The more of us the crispier." Xitus felt triumphant and his subsequent roar was evidence.

"If something does exist indeed, denying its existence will not cause it to cease to exist." Chioma Onwudiwe

"What happens to the work he did, does and will do. How do we affect and object? I mean apart from the gullible geese."

"We can only precisely stalk him and sometimes replicate a work He has done, is doing and is going to do. To distract and diminish, with an intent to confuse its importance. We also get our most valid information, by creeping into events that affect us in the future." "The future?" Interjected an obviously immersed Bivus. "How is that, I thought He alone had the blueprint and access." "He does," supplied Xitus immediately. "Don't forget, that we dwell in the spiritual realm also. So we steal into divine transmissions and frequency. We are liars and thieves, that's what we do." The third monitor nodded his agreement. "Then based on the glimpses and flashes of what we have hacked, we begin our own operation." "An operation to complete his?"

"Absolutely not!" Xitus was infuriated. "If we can run ahead to replicate, the pictures we saw and the information we stole. Then by the time He carries His plan out, it would seem like a boring, discredited and invalid repetition. especially to the mortals, that we are both trying to use. His 'use' is for their good, our use is for our good of course. That is a huge part of what we do here. We monitor, suspect, familiarize ourselves with mortal habits, to easily recruit them for our use and their destruction."

"We do have an edge." Stated Bivus pensively and poignantly.

"I would not be in this business, if we did not." Declared Xitus amidst another bout of roaring.

"One more thing though," Bivus was not finished. "Was it true, that He stuffed His power away? Even for a moment, to become a mortal?"

"Oh that incident that was so enervate to us." Xitus eyed his counterpart, with surreptitious indignation. "It seemed the ultimate foolishness, when we saw the 'Star' and heard the wise men's interpretation. But somehow, the joke was on us. And the 'fly-lord', was not laughing I tell you."

"Really? How did He do it? You know become a mortal?" The third monitor was determined to hear as much as possible.

His second comrade, sighed in exasperation. But continued his story anyhow. "It happened on a still and holy night......"

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