Whose and what child is this?
“Whatever do you need directions for now? What are you looking for and where do you intend to go, dear daughter?” Ashea’s mother asked. Feeling that her mental confusion, was slowly becoming a physical exhaustion. Ever since they returned, from the ‘baby delivery place'. Her daughter had turned, into a completely different person. She was now an erratic, agitated and unpredictable stranger. Who frequently slipped in and out of a befuddled consciousness. Now her father, younger sister and herself included. Were left with the brunt of the emotional strain, that such instability could produce.
They were saddled, with an obviously absurd situation. Coupled with the frustration of not knowing, if, when and how to seek help. When her son-in-law’s mother, invited her to the strange and faraway place. To come and support her daughter. She abstained from asking too many questions, because it somehow seemed unnecessary at the time. The most important thing for her at the time, was just to be there in person for her child. It was naturally without doubt, a special time for the family. The expectation, birth and addition of a new baby.
Her anticipation at the time, knew no bounds. It had been heightened, with excitement and blinded with activity. “I don’t know why I feel this way,” Ashea started with her response. “I just know that I have to go back to that place and find out what happened.” She rubbed on her head vigorously, as if to erase tormenting memories. “What place are we talking about exactly?” The woman wanted to know, what her daughter knew or thought that she knew. She needed to be careful, in order not to introduce any more information. Into Ashea’s already fragile and muddled frame of mind.
The young woman still had no recollection, of anything or person that happened to her. After the time her brother Kedem, left for the palace. As her mother, she tried not to be responsible for introducing anymore chaotic conditions. In Ashea’s current and fragmented existence, it would be quite easy to plunge her into a mental quagmire. “The place where.... Ermm, I was told we had gone to. We had all gone with Hanad’s mother. She said she did not like the place or the man in the place. And she believes something bad happened to me there, because I am always yelling at her these days.”
The mother sighed inwardly and shook her head. So much for keeping secrets, with a child. She had specifically warned her younger daughter, not to bring up anything her older sister did not remember. The child was basically instructed, not to speak until she was spoken to. The mother thought to herself, feeling defeated. Everyone in the house, had been banned from speaking about the strange ‘birthing place’. Especially about the man, who owned it and was responsible for the delivery. “But what brought up such a strange and far-fetched discussion in the first place? You have always had shouting matches with your sister.” Her mother asked and waited, searching the young woman’s face intently but kindly.
Ashea paused for a moment, before answering. She looked around the room cautiously, then back at her mother. A worried and haunted expression, spreading across her face. “I want them to leave me alone!” She suddenly cried, as tears streamed down her face and she began to shake. “Who do you want to leave you alone?” Her mother coaxed and comforted, not sure what can-of-worms had been opened at the present. “The woman with the ‘monster baby’,” Ashea interjected urgently. “She tells me the baby is ours.” “What are you talking about? What woman, what baby?” Her mother sounded frightened. “The woman that lives with Hanad….” Ashea began.
One life saving turn deserves another:
“Who says I was planning to talk about bullets and wounds?” Countered Bronid sharply, as he began to stand up from his initial stooping position. He had quickly rinsed his hands, in the bowl of remaining water. The victim’s bleeding hole, was now securely covered. Using a piece of cloth, that was tied up and held in place by the string of rope. The healer wanted first and foremost, to stop the blood flow. Then with some help, he would have to transfer the victim to the infirmary. He almost broke-out, in a huge grin. When the departing man, stopped in his tracks abruptly. And then slowly turned back, towards the healer.
“And what else, besides bullets and wounds. Are you capable of or planning to talk about?” He asked, while he watched Bronid his eyes guarded. “I think I have something, that you might want to see.” Bronid stated, as he pulled up his satchel and moved towards the other man. When the healer got closer to him, he looked to his left and right side. Ensuring that no one, was right next to him. He pulled out the stone, from the little bag and held it up for the other man to see.
“Wow!” Was all the appraiser, could manage. As he stared at the gem, in admiration.
Sun rays, simultaneously hit the multi-faceted rock. Causing it to sparkle, as shafts of light bounced off its surface in pronounced brilliance. “Where did you get this from?” Inquired the man, gushing with his mouth agape. “In all my years and experience of dealing, buying and selling jewelry. I have never seen anything like this before. It is indeed magnificent.”
“What do you mean, where did I get it from?” Retorted Bronid defensively, while retrieving his hand from its previous display stance. “It belongs to me, it always has.” Concluded the uncharacteristically offended healer.
“I ask, because you are a healer. Therefore, I do not see or understand your reason for logging such a treasure around.” The man stared at Bronid, like he had grown a second head. Then as if awakened from a trance, called and beckoned to his partner to step over.
“Take a look at this,” he instructed. Reaching forward, to pull Bronid’s hand up. So that his partner, would see the jewel also. “You finally found it!” Exclaimed the new comer excitedly. “Right here is the precious stone, in all of its glory.” He turned to address and assure his comrade.
Then looking from Bronid and back to his colleague, he asked; “But why does the so-called healer have it? Why is he holding it? Why is the gem in his possession?” The initial enthusiasm had quickly been replaced, by cynicism.
“He told me it belongs to him. I just saw this a few minutes ago, before I called you over here. I am just as shocked and confused.” The first man supplied contemptuously, shaking his head in disapproval. “As interesting as that may be or sound, how can it belong to him? This is the exact stone, that the jeweler showed us. This is the stone or any other subsequent one, for which every arrangement was made today.” The second and ranting man, paused to glare at Bronid disdainfully before continuing.
“Now the jeweler is possibly shot dead. And the healer that supposedly came to his rescue, has the precious stone. He also claims, that the gem belongs to him. Will wonders, never cease to be?” On that note, he lurched towards the now befuddled healer. Attempting to grab what was in his hand, as he demanded; “Give that to me!” Bronid lowered and closed his hand immediately. Forming a tight and secure fist, around the stone. Then he stepped back, from both men. Instantly knowing that danger was imminent and an escape needful.
However, before the shocked healer could formulate a safe exit plan. The second and irate appraiser, moved menacingly towards him. Pulling a sharp long knife, from somewhere behind him. He advanced forward, shouting the whole time. “Give me that stone immediately, or I will have your head in its place!” Bronid staggered back again, stunned even further. Trying not to panic, as he struggled to make sense of what was going on. When the man moved towards him again, waving the knife. The healer opened his mouth, to protest and explain himself.
The words never came out, as he stared in frozen shock. Right in front of him and behind the knife brandishing lunatic. Stood the once comatose patient, like Bronid had never seen him. Nor imagined he could ever be. He looked whole, healthy and regal. The healer thought in amazement. The one time helpless patient, now had an aura of authority and power. An air of unspoken instructions, that commanded obedience. “Well, I see you finally showed up.” Started the intimidating figure, addressing the healer. “Now let us buy that stone off your hands.” He concluded with a smile, as all three men stood transfixed and unmoving.