Gone with the highest bidder:
“That should be enough for today.” Sighed the young prince. Slightly patting his horse’s head, as a stable hand eagerly ran over to him. “The sun is very hot this afternoon too,” he continued. Turning to address his riding partner and friend Zunid with a smile. “You are right, I do feel very tired already.” The counselor’s son agreed, as he tried to keep pace with the briskly walking royal. They were headed back to the main palace building. Into a small dining area, where some cool drinks and refreshments would be waiting for them. This was their routine every week. And a much anticipated thrill for the monarch’s guest.
They walked silently, howbeit pensively for a little while. The prince was preoccupied with his thoughts. Occasionally dabbing on his head, the cool towel that had just been handed to him by his aide. As they approached the palace’s vicinity. Just before they reached the walkway to the main grounds. They saw a group of men, assembling and fixing a long rectangular structure.
“Is that the royal float, being mounted?!” Zunid asked excitedly while observing.
“Oh yes, it is.” The prince answered. “They are preparing the float, for the Festival/Fair.”
“That is so cool!” Exclaimed his friend, still taken by the whole sight. “I always loved watching the royal float go by. I also used to wish I could ride in it too.” He finished with a nervous laugh. Wistfully watching the working the crew. His eyes wide with admiration.
“Alright then,” began his sovereign friend. “I’ll ask my father, if you can ride with us this time.”
“Your highness.” The interruption came from the royal aide, who was walking right behind the monarch. He moved to remove the prince’s riding vest from behind, as he spoke.
“The protocol, is that no one else can ride on the royal float except the royals. It is the people’s opportunity,” he continued. “To see the reigning family, outside of the palace. And that is all they really want to do.” He finished with a bow. The prince simply turned and looked at this friend. Shrugging helplessly and somewhat disappointed.
“Then maybe, we could go on a little adventure ourselves when the fair is over.” He offered sympathetically. “We could probably go to the market place, if you so wish.” “Sounds wonderful,” stated the friend enthusiastically. “I will look forward to that. Especially, since my older brother has promised me a lot of money. Then I get to buy whatever I want now.”
“A lot of money, how nice. Are you celebrating anything special?” The prince submitted, light-heartedly and curiously.
“No,” started Zunid almost in a whisper. “He got a lot of money, because his friend hired him to do a job. And if I help him out, I get some of the money too.”
“His friend hired him?” The royal’s interest was now piqued, amidst his amusement.
“Yes his friend. The friend’s older brother, has a friend. Who was offered a whole lot of money, to find some girl. So they want more boys to help, make the search easier and quicker.”
The young royal just stared at his friend. Trying as much as he could, to absorb the absurdity of what he had just heard. So as not to get more confused than he already was. He went ahead, to voice the question in his mind.
“Some boy was offered a whole lot of money, to find some girl?” Asked the prince, stating each word carefully. The royal guest nodded his head, while pursing his lips in a helpless manner.
“But why? What kind of a girl? And who is she?”
“I really don’t know the details,” his friend submitted. “What I do know, is that the older boy in question. Was given a lot of money. A lot.” He stated the last phrase emphatically. “To find some girl. She may be missing, or hiding. But I suspect, she must be important.”
“You still have not answered my question,” the prince sounded very serious. “Who is this girl?”
“I don’t know her myself,” started Zunid. Feeling a little uncomfortable, with the way the prince was taking this flippant information. His probing questions, were anything but playful. “Does it really matter,” he managed. Wishing the topic would be dropped.
“Maybe it does matter, or maybe it does not. We will just have to find out and see. I need you to do me a favor.” Submitted the monarch flatly.
The other boy looked on in anticipation, keenly awaiting the request.
“Find out about who they are really looking for. The girl, who she is and possibly her name.” He looked at his friend. Searching the guest's face, for any reaction. Which he might not express outwardly. All the royal saw, was a little fear.
“Oh,” started Zunid. Sounding just as scared as he looked. “But how will I do that? These boys are older and stronger. And may belong to a vicious group.”
“Find a way,” said the prince with a quick smile. “I will double whatever it is they pay you.”
Of lamentations and lengthy letters:
“----Now that I am with child, I don’t know where my baby and I will live. The prince and his mother are about to be evicted. I do feel sorry for him. But I really should worry more about myself. The children of the real wives, are in the process of ousting the children of the mistresses from the castle. There is so much chaos here now. I wish he had told me, that he was not a prince in every sense of the word. He will never be eligible for the throne. Unless of course, the other ones die. He won’t even inherit much, just the left overs I suppose. I feel so distressed and disappointed. And I am told it is not good for the baby. What am I going to do? I know this is a very long letter, but I am worried.”
“Anyway, on another note. I don’t know how it happened, but I became kind of friendly with one of the other prince’s women. She comes around my room frequently. Says she has been here before. I guess that means my situation of being with child and about to be thrown out. Tells me she can show me what to do and how to do it. She seems to have the means and ways with these things. I asked her, why she would want to help me. You know, being that I am a competition and all. She claims she is headed to greener grounds. Has new plans and places to fulfill her goals. There is no future for this kingdom anyway, she is convinced.”
“She intends to become a queen, at any cost. Sounds like a grand aspiration, right? Considering what she does and how she lives. But then again, that is….”
“Juja! Are you ready? We are going to be late for our meeting, if we do not leave this minute. Our wagon awaits.”
“Yes aunty, I will be out shortly.” Called out the young lady, as she proceeded to carefully fold back the letter, that she had just received from her younger sister. They were only a year apart in age. But separated in decades, by the way they reasoned. She was astounded at what she was reading. And she now wished she had not bothered to read the mail. At least not now.
Every communication from her sister and the past, seemed to throw her into an emotional and mental quandary. She had moved away from them, to find herself and some much needed peace. Thanks to her aunt and the fellowship she belonged to that was fast becoming a reality. The older woman was a member of a loving and peaceful organization. Juja had liked it very much, the first time she joined them. Now she was a happy and active member herself. Her aunty had chosen and was in a good place. So was everyone else around her. She had said moving to this province, was the best decision she ever made. And Juja was beginning to agree with her.
When her younger sister, observed the change in both of them. She said she was glad, that she never made that move herself. “….Things would have gone from boring to death.” Were her exact verbal response and input. And all the explanation she could offer. Now it was evident, that her chosen life of excitement. Had instead become, a never ending source of constant anguish. It was obvious, because that was always the tone of all her letters. Juja shook her head, as she glanced one last time at the end of the letter. Best to complete the reading. Before putting it away for good, she thought. “…. But then again, that is Ethia for you." The letter continued. "How is aunty, by the way? Is she….” “Juja!” We are leaving right now!” Her aunt interrupted yelling. “I am right here….” Said the young woman, as she threw the letter on the bed and emerged from the room.
There is a doctor in the field:
Bronid held on tighter to his little satchel, by the time the fifth person shoved past him. They all seemed to be running down further into the other end of fair grounds. Maybe there was some sought of emergency. Or it was merely a race, to grab a price. Whatever the case, the younger healer did not wish to be in the way. Of the dashing traffic, longer than he had to. One more push, thought Bronid. And he might lose his hand, the satchel along with the gem in it. He was looking around at the moment; to make sure he had not missed his appointment already. Since he had unconsciously but gradually shifted away, from the original waiting spot.
He turned back around, just in time for one more body to slam right into him. He reached forward with both hands to separate and steady the head-on crasher. While he tried to catch his breath. “What is going on?” Queried the concerned healer. “Where are you all running to?”
“There has been a shooting.” Answered the stranger in between gasps. “Someone just got shot back there,” he continued looking around them. As he indicated by pointing his finger. “And the shooter is at large.” At the utterance of the last sentence, he slid out of Bronid’s hands and sped on.
The healer looked from the fast retreating figure, back to where he had pointed. If someone had just been shot, reasoned the man. Then they must need some professional, medicinal attention and help. He scanned the area one more time. Looking for any sign of his buyer and if at all a stampede would ensue. Since he had never really seen the person he would be meeting. Any standing and scanning stranger like himself, was suspect. When it was clear that no one had arrived yet and no soul had been trampled. He headed towards the incident scene, as pointed out by collision man.