Friends in high and low places:
“This is probably the closest I’ll be or come to having a free time of this magnitude, in a very long time and in the near future.” Announced Miluh excitedly. Releasing a low whistling sound and exhaling loudly at the same time. She was working at settling herself comfortably in the rented carriage. Meanwhile, her friend also busied herself with arranging her long and flowing skirt around the rather slanted carriage bench. She shrugged knowingly before speaking. Her response tempered with a warm and understanding smile.
“I think so too. You should really make the most of it. Get all the rest and fun activities that you can, while it lasts." Both ladies leaned back at the slightly cushioned wooden board behind the bench, that served as a back and head rest also. They fell silent for a moment, as the rumbling wheels of the moving vehicle invaded their private thoughts. "Interesting isn’t it, how things fall quickly into place. With you now working for the kind and renowned healer.”
“Quite interesting I must say,” agreed Miluh quickly. “Chance happened at the perfect time.” She continued to speak, as she indicated to the driver to open the overhead shutters. They preferred to let in more of the cool and breezy afternoon wind.
They were headed for the annual Festival/Fair at the very large and open town square. It was a yearly feature that attracted merchants, service providers and entertainers of all kinds. Displaying their wares or ways for an attractive and heavily discounted price. Everyone from jewelers, food vendors to magicians had a spot in the sun to shine. For some years now, since they were teenagers. This had been a welcome distraction and indulgence for Miluh, her sisters and their close friends. They had faithfully attended and never ceased to come away with pleasant, colorful, gratifying purchases and experiences.
The Festival/Fair lasted for three days. However the second day was widely believed and rumored to be the best of the three and both ladies would not be left out. Her sister who liked walking the whole way, had gone ahead with a close childhood friend. All four had planned to meet later at a favorable and convenient spot, near the center of the square.
“Chance, chance, chance…..” Chanted her friend, nodding her head wistfully. She felt that she personally knew, what it meant to have an unexpected opportunity appear when one needed it.
“I forgot to ask. Where did you met the good old healer? How were your paths crossed in the first place?” The eager inquirer looked on in anticipation.
“Our paths crossed in the market place. And prior to that, I had never seen him before. I also met his son, who is also a healer and works with him. He had come to pick him up, just about the same time.”
“Very nice,” supplied her friend. “We have a lot of good and new things starting to happen now.”
“Speaking of new things, how are things with you these days?" A concerned Miluh interjected. "I know that since they closed down ‘the general birthing center’, citing a criminal inquisition by the palace." She shook her head in sad recollection. "An inquisition that almost got us killed, for not relinquishing the identity and sex of every baby born there.” She stopped speaking for a few seconds, as memories of near torture flooded her mind. Then when she had gathered her thoughts together, she continued.
“Most of our co-workers have had a really hard time and are still having. I remember you said you would take the time to spend with your family. Otherwise, how is everything going?” Miluh was genuinely worried about her friend.
“Ohhh….” Started the other woman, heaving a sigh of exasperation. “Where could I possible begin? My husband for one, is not himself these days. He is on a constant and impossible quest, to right every wrong in the province.”
“That would be encouraging and refreshing for a change.” Supplied Miluh, suppressing a giggle. As she tried successfully to grab a side panel in the carriage. To keep from being throw forward when the vehicle made a quick turn at a bend in the road.
Realizing that her friend had not responded to the light-hearted humor, but was rather wearing a very worried look. She turned towards her to apologize. “I am so sorry. I did not mean to make light of your worries. It’s just that these days there is so much unkindness and injustice. That it feels good to hear of someone who cares.”
“Oh, that’s okay. I really wish it were that easy, or cost less than it often does. His activism that is.” Her friend dismissed, with a half-smile and a shrug. “Things have been very strained and tense since that unsuccessful trip to the palace. The outcome was not what he expected. And the human road blocks were overwhelming. But still, he is determined to press on.”
“You were at the palace?” Miluh asked clearly perplexed. “But whatever for?”
“It is a very long and heartbreaking story. And I am not even sure we are free to share it. At least not until the intended recipients hear from us. Which would be the royals themselves of course.”
“You have some information that the royals need to hear?”
“Oh yes indeed we do. And we have for some time now. Just waited for the right time or the person who could help make it possible. I must tell you, it made even your sister’s death harder to bear all over again. I know that if she were still here and we had given her an idea of what we were up to. She would have been willing and able to help work things out. But sadly she is no more.” The lady sighed heavily again.
“No she is not,” agreed Miluh just as sadly. “However, would you and your husband mind giving me an idea of what all this is about. I mean you do not have to, if you do not feel comfortable doing it.”
“Feel comfortable? How relieving it will be, to be able to share this burden. Actually, I think my husband would be glad to discuss it with you.”
“Really? How so? Does he know about me?” Miluh wanted to know. “Well after our disastrous and interrupted attempt. I loudly lamented that I had a friend, whose sister would have been a great contact….”
The carriage lurched forward suddenly. Causing both ladies to sway violently. When they were stable, they rubbed their arms and straightened out their clothes. Thankful that there had been no injuries sustained. The driver apologized profusely. “A herd of cows walked right into the road.” He explained.
The whole truth?:
The four men in the room gasped at the same time. So uniform was their shocked response, that it was as if they had all been stabbed at the same time with a sharp blade. And had further been schooled at how to react. As they looked on in horror, the object effervesced rapidly. Disintegrating and dissipating at the bottom of the bowl, like stirred ashes or exploding gravel.
The stunned and shaking jeweler, stepped towards the bowl as if it were a ticking explosive. He had mixed the liquid substance himself as always. Careful that the right components were added in the adequate amount. What could have possibly gone wrong? Or had he been tricked with a knock-off replacement? A fake that was the spitting image of the real. He knew how real it appeared. He had handled the original and simultaneously put it to a necessary and rigorous test. And to think that this evaporating mess, had initially absorbed the unspoken clout of the original.
As far as he knew, he had hired the best men possible and available. They were not only to get the item, but were to leave absolutely no trace or trail behind whatsoever. What could have caused this dangerous and embarrassing confusion? Now just like a domino effect, every plan was either pushed back, cancelled or completely eradicated. Even worse, was the fact that he had potential buyers waiting at the Festival/Fair. They had by invitation, traveled from far and wide. Wealthy merchants that were as thorough as they were ruthless.
He shuddered, as a cold feeling trickled down his spine. He rolled his tongue at the bitter taste that was forming in his mouth. Was it blood? And if so why did it taste so bitter? Summoning the last burst of energy left in him, which he thought was unlikely. He stammered and wailed his question.
“What in…. What is…. What on your lives was that?” He turned to the other three men, who were still rooted in the same spot where they stood when the experiment began. So transfixed were they at what was still happening inside the glass bowl, that they almost never heard the jeweler’s lament.
The leader of the group shook his head, as if in denial of what he had just observed. His creased brows registered an apparent state of disbelief. However, he cleared his throat. Took a step forward and began to speak.
“I have absolutely no idea. We followed your instructions and timing. When we got there, everything was as you had told us it would be. We took the gem and here we are.” The confused expression on his face was duplicated by his partners, who nodded their agreement to his statement.
“Then what do you call this muddled outcome?” The jewelers disposition was escalating from shock and confusion to rage. The men remained silent. Refusing to break or shift their gaze from the bowl.
“This can’t be the same gem. I handled and tested it myself.” The jeweler started to wail again. “It was real. You have brought me a piece of granite or coal, whichever best describes this nonsense.”
“We brought exactly what you asked and sent us for.” The second man in the group began to speak up defensively. “You saw it for yourself, that it was the same piece when we handed it over to you. I don’t know if this is an act to escape our payment.” He mumbled the last sentence inaudibly under his breath.
“I thought it was the same piece of gem. It looked just like the real thing. But it never got to pass the test like the real thing did. You brought me a fake!”
“No we did not.” The leader of the three retorted in frustration. “We went to the house you described, with the address you gave. And we found the piece you said would be there. Now you accuse us of bringing you a fake piece.” He sounded like he too was beginning to be enraged.
“Well you have seen for yourselves, haven’t you? What you brought to me completely dissolved in the testing elements. So much so, that there are even no fragments left over. I needed to have this ready for the fair today. I have wealthy merchants and renowned men of trade, that were promised its availability. I needed to get rid of it as soon as possible, before its absence was noticed. Now I am stuck between you, a clueless owner, at least he is for now. And some very soon to be angry customers.”
“Whew, I don’t know what to tell you.” Countered the leader of the three, as he shrugged and looked at his partners in utter exasperation.
“You can start by telling me the truth of what really happened here!” Growled the jeweler.