Father behold thy son:
“I thought that the attack was too much. And that we had already done some very cruel and irreversible damage. We were bound by reasons even we the antagonists could not define.” The man stopped speaking for a moment and dropped his head into waiting hands. Then after a few seconds of continued silence, he dragged the heel of both hands from his forehead to the nape of his neck. The two kids just stared at him. It was hard to tell if they were assimilating the story or just plain petrified by the violent details. Raising his head again and with a deep sigh. He continued his story-telling, just where he had left off.
“I thought the whole baseless raid had gone too far, or as far as it should have gone at all. Here I was, almost slipping in a birthing pool. As an unnaturally dropped new born baby struggled to be freed from his mother. While she herself, had fallen flat on the ground and was possibly dead. Our leader who had seen the whole dreadful and sickening scene among many others. Asked me to cut the squirming and screaming baby loose. We were to take it back with us, after the deadly invasion. I for a quick and passing moment. Thought that was for once a welcoming and redemptive decision. Considering all the wicked wreckage that we had already caused. That was until I heard the reason why he wanted the baby.”
The man stopped again and shook his head. Sucking in and expelling air, through his mouth for dramatic effect. He looked with concern at both kids, as he prepared to continue speaking. Reinah’s eyes were wide open as she stared. She would appear to any on-looker, as if she were in a state of shock. But the boy himself, had fallen asleep. Lasting as long and as soon as his father began telling the story. Maybe thought the man as he looked at the fragile and lame frame. He was probably exhausted from hearing his own sad but saving story. It did not matter anyhow, because he as a guilty participant who undeservedly became a father to such a lucky child. Had resolved to keep telling it. People needed to know what atrocities they had committed. And also how far he himself had traveled from that devious place of destruction.
“The repulsive and heartless reason our leader gave, was that the blood of a new born baby had age reversible qualities. He would drink it so to speak, for a renewed life. In other words, he was prepared to kill a helpless and innocent child that had just dropped atypically from its terrified and fleeing mother. To drink pure blood and prolong a life that lived to decimate other lives. All we had done was invade faultless existence and leave anguish in our wake. All without a justifiable basis.” Reinah cringed as pools of tears formed in her eyes, threatening to spill at any second.
“You see I too, had been separated from my mother at birth. Howbeit in a completely different circumstance and situation. It had caused a debilitating vacuum and an incredible amount of loss and pain in my childhood. So why now, should I be the agent of such loss for another? and one so blameless.” He stopped again, as if waiting for an answer. This time he avoided looking at the kids. And then almost immediately proceeded with his narration. “No more! I thought to myself, this all had to stop.” He waved his hand in an animated gesture. While a startled Reinah, sat up straighter than she had already been sitting.
“I was ready to stop this treacherous life style and make things right. I would be the sacrificial lamb for my rebellion, if it was the last thing I did. Here we were, destroying a kingdom that had shown us so much kindness. A queen that selflessly raised a banner of hope at a time of despair. Providing for the poor and defending the weak. And yet our appreciation to such nobility was to wipe out the kingdom. Her home for that matter, like the slaughter of cattle.” The man began to bawl. Reinah sat very still as the pool of tears that gathered in her eyes initially, began to stream down her face.
Only the man’s voice could be heard along with his son’s soft snoring.“I am so sorry, to suddenly have to dump all these sad tales and shameful acts on your young shoulders.” Apologized the broken and sniffling man. He studied the girls face and wondered what she must have been thinking. Had he scared her away? Who was she anyway? She had barely just gotten there with his son. Of whom she had rescued from the assault of assailants, as he had gratefully and admirably recanted to him. Obviously she was moved by this regretful tale, as evident by the flowing tears. But would she run at the slightest opportunity, thinking him a monster?
He must have said too much too soon, he sighed to himself. But he was merely answering her question of the reason for his son's helpless state. “You know, I’m not even sure of why I am saying this. Or what it even has to do with the massacre of a kingdom. But we do have in the house a ceremonially framed picture of the murdered queen. It was taken while she was on her throne, in better days of course. And for one split second there, it appeared like I just saw an uncanny resemblance. Even stranger, was that she sometimes wore her hair that way also.” He chuckled to himself and then rubbed his head again with both hands.
“I think all these emotional outbursts, are finally getting to me. Please disregard my speculations, I do not mean to scare or make you uncomfortable. I mean that whole concept is quite impossible and highly unlikely.” He smiled at Reinah. “On second thoughts though, I can still get the pictu….” There was suddenly a loud thud that startled both girl and man. The boy who had been asleep on his special chair for most of his father’s recantation. Had fallen to the ground, taking the chair with him.-
When the second time is the charm:
“So amazing to even think about it, how much more experience it in person.” The mid-wife’s younger sister gasped. Her eyes wide, as she clasped both hands in front of her open mouth. “Yes. And it was so overwhelming and enthralling, all at the same time. I mean to have all that happening to you at the first palatial visit, was too much to take in." The older sister looked up to the room’s ceiling as she spoke. As if the recollection of the memorable event were blazoned across it. “First time?” Her sister’s piercing question broke into her brief reverie. “You have been to the kingdom before, remember? Though you came back with a more bruised and wounded report than this one. A battered story, so to speak.”
“Yes of course. But we were summoned to the throne room of the kingdom. A judgmental seat and section, with a magistrate accusation and order against us.” Her sister countered gently, as painful memories began to flood her mind. “This time we were in the reception and residential part of the palace. Their home, a palatial segment of their private lives. And I for one, got to share it with them by invitation.” Her sister nodded in understanding. "Our dear sister would have loved this new development.” She said with emotion filling her voice. “Yes indeed," agreed the older sister. "She would have wanted things to turn out this way."
“Speaking of what she would have wanted, have you let the royals in on who you are?” “Not yet,” began the mid-wife. “Everything seems to be happening quite fast. With the queen’s permission, I set up an appointment to speak with her sometime next week.” “Make it as quick as possible please, before they hear it from another and not well meaning source. We can’t let our sister’s effort and hard work, be all in vain.” The younger woman’s eyes were half convincing and half pleading.
“I totally understand your point.” Agreed her sister.
“One other thing,” the younger sister was still not finished. “Yes?” “Will you tell your friend that you met with the queen? We have been able to trust her in the past. We just do not know if she is a part of the future. However, whatever we do. We have to be very protective of the royals, like our sister had been.” “That also is another very right statement and notion. I never really thought about it like that.” Finished the mid-wife with a smile, impressed by her sister's wisdom.
The fountain of deadly youth:
The sound of flies buzzing in the sinister enclave that was the crypt, presented only one doubt. The obvious observation, that there was not one fly present or to be seen. Shapeless and elongated shadows shifted across the walls as they either crossed or swallowed up the other. Except for Heinus’ vigorous swipe at darting images and the eerie call of invisible insects, the crypt was otherwise silent. The first monitor concentrated on his archival search for the scene, from a while into the past. Scrolling to the estimated time frame and slot, he slowed down his desperate and rapid appendages.
He was present when the man drank the blood. He had actually animated him to demand it be brought without any lapse in timing. The freshness, potency and purity of the baby's blood, had to be preserved or so thought the fool. However, the desire for immortality and indestructibility was solely the soldiers nature and humanity speaking. The man was responsible for his desires and choices. He as a monitor, just helped to equip and enhance those impulses. Though the man in question had died horrifically shortly after that episode. It had made no difference to Heinus. It was just as easy to find another idiotic and willing container to use.
If the baby had not been killed along with the mother at the time. Whose blood had been supplied by the subordinate soldiers? And where was the child, if it had not been killed? They were monitors he knew. Closely they watched and studied the figures and events that were relevant and significant to a latter and larger purpose. They did not see, know or even understand everything. Nevertheless, their stubborn diligence and unwavering quest provided sufficient knowledge. Sufficient enough to mislead and control the mortals.