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The MONITORS (A Fiction) Copyright 2015

Writer's picture: Chioma OnwudiweChioma Onwudiwe


The dark, 'the mark' and the star:

A gulf of sooty smoke, whirled in the hollow yet dense atmosphere. Propelled by velocity that could match a tornadic gust of wind, it rapidly cleared everything in its path. As it settled, particles of debris hung suspended in the air. Gradually, the vague silhouette of the 'fly-lord' manifested into a full form of his manifestation. A now palpable presence that dimmed the crypt even further. The dark lord was in attendance.

The sixth monitor rushed forward, stumbling as he scampered into position. The diligence of haste at the moment, more real to him than his very existence. Puffing as he struggled to verbalize his intentions, he got on one knee and bowed his head.

"Darkness looms heavily over us my lord," started the quivering servant. Raising his head slightly as he spoke, he made sure not to look directly at his master. It never paid any of them, even his very own offshoots. To look the 'fly-lord' directly in the eye. They were like carvenous pools of an engulfing abyss. Even to an agent of darkness, the eyes had the capability to suck out their very essence. The monitor had now succeeded in levelling the tremor in his voice, while fixing his gaze at a spot beyond the 'fly-lord's left arm.

"I am darkness itself and every vicinity in this pit is dark, you foolish one! Now try another intelligible expression!" Roared the lord of evil. The monitor paused for a few moments, as he dipped his head a little lower than it had been. All the while, absorbing the hot and heavy breath emnating from his master.

"Indeed my lord. But I speak only of the 'mark' and its permeating threat." The 'fly-lord' cut fiery and enraged eyes at him before speaking.

"Repeat that again, you time decaying weasel." Barked the irate ruler.

"Wizus my lord. The name is Wizus." Interjected the trembling surbodinate without thinking.

"Shut up! Do you dare to interrupt me as I speak weasel?"

"No my lord, just explai...."

"Shut 'the scorching flame' up, until I am finished."

The 'fly-lord' waited until there was complete silence and the receiving subject was now bound by paralyzing fear before continuing. "Now tell me how you found out about the 'mark'." The beleaguered monitor darted his eyes wearily and cautiously. Wondering as he did, if this was a trick question coming from the deadly master. However, he started to answer. "My lord, with extensive monitoring and galaxial study. We managed to narrow down a shooting and troubling star, that led to the good and great king. The ancient prophecy had it, that 'the mark' bearer would be a seed from him. We were not exactly sure about the time frame, so we instigated and carried out three generations of massacre in that kingdom and family. Now, it is a known fact that no male heir of the good king lives anymore." The monitor released the breath he had stifled throughout his speech while experiencing an inner rush of pride.

"So if nothing of the good and great king lives. The source of the lineage for 'the mark' completely expunged. Why then do you see looming danger?"

The sixth monitor shifted his weight with great difficulty, to the other knee. Feeling his natural sustenance ebbing out of him as he did. This was definitely the end for him he mused hopelessly. He should have prepared his speech more carefully in advance. Now he had just bought himself a speedier ticket, to an endless torment and scalding existence. Howbeit an inevitable expectation.

"My lord...." He began dipping his head again, even as his master cut him off.

"You should retrace your useless methods. Get your facts straight, then come back to me." The 'fly-lord' dismissed him with a careless wave.

"Certainly my lord."

"Now, about the girl. Are you stalking and monitoring her adequately, as you very well should?" The dark lord started again without warning.

"The girl?" The monitor who had been getting ready to scuttle away, asked taken aback. My lord, but...."

"She is suspect of some sort. Her abilities give her away. Hit her every chance you get and quick. We have little or no time left."

"Indeed my lord," answered the monitor as he bowed out quickly.

Who or what 'dunnit'?:

The wizard pulled on greying beard, that did not seem to be completely the product of aging. Most of his face was shrouded with hair. And he had red chalk markings, running across it. He knew his customer wanted him to state the obvious. But what the young man intended to do with the results, was still not clear to the sorcerer. In his nearly 30 years in the business of dark and demonic craft. He had never really seen anything quite like this before. Personally, he was not averse to the hideous or tracherous. It was not only his predisposition by occupation, it was also in his blood line. He was the proud descendant of dark worshippers, ritualist and cultists to name a few. But even with a heritage so endowed, he also knew there were just some things beyond his explanation and manipulation. And it appeared, that this situation was gearing up to be one of them.

"It is barely human what she carries. If it lasts any longer, it will drain the very life from her. She needs to be rescued, if she must live." His job was to lay out the facts as he saw and knew them, not to decide a course of action for his clients.

"And what is this rescue you speak off?" Asked the young man, brows deeply furrowed in worry. "She must be delivered of it as soon as possible." Supplied the wizard quickly. "If she must live, then she must be freed from the creature, that dwells in her." The young man seemed lost in his thoughts for a moment, before he finally spoke.

"Can you deliver her of it, without letting her know what it was?"

"We can, if she is put to sleep temporarily. And if you pay extra, we can alter her memory of there ever being a situation in the first place."

The young man nodded thoughtfully and agreeably. "That sounds like a good Idea, name your price." "Very good then, seems we are on the same page." Announced the satisfied sorcerer. "One more thing though," he began again. "For the purposes of knowing what we might be dealing with here, what is she to you?"

The young man tensed. Longing as he did, to untie the imaginary knot that now constricted his throat. Realizing that the sorcerer was still watching and waiting for an answer. He decided to end the intense scrutiny by responding as quickly as possible.

"What do you mean? And why do you ask?"

The wizard chuckled. "It makes sense that we know who or what put her this way. We may be dealing with a very dangerous demon here. Or at most, a partly human one. Happens a lot these days. These women and men give themselves over to entities and realms of which they know nothing about. And then in the process of promiscuity, there is rampant, unrestricted and unidentifiable transference."

"Would a sorcerer now promote the course of moral and commendable conduct?" Retorted the young man angrily and defensively.

"Not at all," responded the wizard with another barely audible chuckle. "Not at all. That would put me out of business and it is not in my mission to pursue such. However, if I tamper with the seed of an entity that chooses to procreate among the human race. It might fiercely come after me. I am only a medium between the realm of darkness and this world. I am not the end product. I cannot interfere with their mission. Darkness cannot hinder darkness. Plus, I must answer to the one that empowers me."

The young man sighed and then slowly walked over to the other end of the small coven. Reaching there, his back turned towards the waiting sorcerer. He paused for a few seconds before turning around to face his host.

"Can we just focus on delivering her for now." Was all he said.

"Certainly." Agreed the wizard. "Now will you be present while this procedure is being carried out?"

"No I cannot be around. I have a major responsibility at my work place and have already exhausted so much time. But my mother will be here."

"Very well then," finished the wizard now smiling broadly. Flashing scant, crooked and blackened teeth as he did.

Peek at that, I see what?:

Debeh watched keenly as the queen's carriage and entourage made it around the river bend. She craned her neck to get a glimpse of the regal majesty enclosed in the glass capsule. As the crowd thronged and shoved around her, she remained firmly planted on that spot. Merely swaying when necessary. Practice from frequent visits, had taught her the right spot to be in so as to have a better view of the royal company. She could almost set her timing by their arrival. At a certain time every week, the queen's carriage rode by the waterside. Then passing by the waving and adulating subjects, they arrived at a secluded and designated private location. There they disembarked, allowing the prince and his aide to briefly play near the river. And there in the cleared expanse of the river bank and as palace guards stood watch. Royalty and grandeur conversed with the simplicity of nature.

The prince had grown over the years to become a fine young lad. Transforming in knowledge and physique before the people. They also loved the fact that the king and queen let him experience as much normalcy as possible. Allowing and creating whenever possible, an outlet without a protocol. Debeh wiped her sweaty palms on the loose wrap around her shoulders. This was the opportunity she had dreamed of for years. She had come, watched, waited and calculated. Admiring one captivating scenario, as her heart broke and bled for another that could have been. Here was one royalty living up to what was rightfully his, fulfilling a birthright as it were. While not too far away, another lay displaced, hidden and unknown. Underpriviledged, as if denied by fate. Robbed of the truth of her reality. There had to be a reason she knew all this, thought the preoccupied young lady. There had to be a reason she was here in the first place.

For all the weight of what she saw, knew and hoped for. She was very well aware that she did not have the power to fix anything, nor right what was wrong. But she would make herself available for when the time presented itself. Debeh woke from her reverie as the royal carriage began to make its inevitable turn towards the special area reserved for the monarchs. Slipping carefully away from the people that had now begun to thin, as they went back to their respective homes or previous activities. The young lady headed to the backwoods, a route she had studied and memorized like the back of her hands. Jogging in pace, she leaped over shrubs and walked around tall and imposing plants. Protecting her face and eyes with her hands as she went, from wayward and protruding branches that smacked at her.

Finally, she emerged at the otherside of the woods. Taking her usual and favorite position, she stooped to avoid detection from the vigilant guards. She watched keenly as the inhabitants of the carriage stepped out. The queen to stretch and let the fresh breeze caress her face, while her personal maid and a second helper fussed over her robe. The prince had already headed towards the river. Hopping and flailing his hands as he went. Oblivious to the fact that the huffing and puffing aide behind him, was having a hard time keeping up. The young woman watched the scenery from where she was. Completely hidden, unseen and unheard. Struggling to either watch the regality of the queen or the freedom of the prince, as he splashed in the cool water. Eventually, she decided both scenes were intriguing in their own special way and demanded her apt observance nonetheless.

Feeling grossly guilty, for somewhat invading their privacy or intruding in their special time. Debeh decided that this might be her last trip into the woods. However, for some reasons still unclear to her. She was compelled to be here with them though they were unaware of her presence. Something the queen must have said, made one of the girls giggle. Breaking into Debeh's daydream and thoughts again. Peeling her eyes away from her majesty for a second, she looked to see what the prince was doing. Turning just in time to see a large snake swiftly gliding from the opposite direction towards the prince, who had his back turned towards it. The predator's color was camouflaged by the saturation of the water. While it's movements, blended with the frequent rippling effect of same.

Debeh without a second thought for her mission, intrusion or safety. Jumped from where she had been crouched and screamed.


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