Hide and they will seek:
Rifra's mother watched sullenly, while her husband securely fastened the steel latch on the heavy wooden door in front of their small brick hut. He then looked to see that the large front window was also shut. The thorough man checked the sides of the house one more time, before heading to the waiting wagon. Where his wife and daughter-in-law sat quietly.
"I guess that should be it. We are now set to leave." He spoke to his wife, as he quickly glanced at his daughter-in-law who was sitting right beside her. The former merely nodded absentmindedly. The sadness she felt plastered across her face. The latter however turned hollow and sunken eyes away. The pain etched on her own face had been an expected constance from all that were around her. She was now very sickly and in perpetual pain. And was now convinced more that ever that she was either carrying a brick inside of her or a dead creature.
Rifra's parents had come to pick her up from her parent's home a couple of days ago. Their son had sent word for her to be taken to a special healer that he had heard of. He had also requested that all three of them stay at a nearby cabin which he had also arranged for, till further notice. For security reasons he had said, without elaborating to them or anyone else. They (his parents) were not supposed to return to their home until he gave them the clearance to. Initially, they were shocked and disturbed by the request. The brevity of its notice and the urgency of its application. However, no further explanations were rendered. Except for the fact that Ashea needed an expert's attention immediately and that his parents simply were no longer safe in their home.
The had packed enough necessities for a month to start with. Then moved their livestocks to their neighbours, who were only too happy to have the added income. Much more to their amazement, as to how much thought and planning their son put into the whole situation. He had sent enough legaltender, to last them for about a month. It appeared then that things might be going quite well for him.
"And how long will we have to be in this place?" This came from Ashea who slightly writhed in pain, trying to adjust herself and her protruding belly for the long journey ahead. She had for the most part with the unfolding of events, remained uncontributing and seemingly unimpressed with the whole arrangement. They still were not listening to her suspicions and she would in turn ignore their suggestions.
"We will remain there, until he sends word for us. Or comes to take us himself." Was the mother's direct and empathetic reply. She felt sorry for the young woman and what was obviously her predicament. But she was as much in the loop as anyone else, as to what might have precipitated this whole decision and action from her son. The least she could do and would do, was create as much comfort and rest for all involved. Ashea sighed at the familiar and vague response and then settled back into the wagon's back seat. Whatever her husband was up to, better be good and quick if she would live to see the results.
From the way she felt, she was not certain she would experience the tangled tapestry of their life being untwisted. Nor did she expect this maze of mystery to unfold and resolve itself. She was in desperate need of help as the moments rolled by.
"Okay then, we will be off now." Announced the tired father, whose earlier attempt at exuberance had fallen flat. He then patted the wagon driver's shoulder to indicate permission to commence their trip.
The dumbest move ever?:
Bivus waited and watched, as Heinus and Xitus chatted about new schemes and directives from the 'fly-lord'. He seethed inwardly, as a mirage of unanswered questions still rolled through his head. Every now and then, in fact more often than not these days. A wave of rebellion and rage would rise in him against the present status-quo. But he also knew not to make much of it. That was not a new or strange feeling. That was their nature. That was made them who they were now and put them in the place where they were. But he figured that the more he learnt about himself, his kind and their enemy. The better he was able to play his part without being harmed by those mortals that were protected and imbued with fighting authority.
Heinus tapped on the great mirror, the whole time he spoke to Xitus. Then shortly afterwards, walked away from the chamber again. Bivus then grabbed the opportunity to continue with their previous conversation. Siddling closer to Xitus, he proceeded with his initial queries.
"Listen, like I had been wondering and saying. And to answer your previous question. I just brought up the 'knowledge of everything' topic, because of the master's recent and incessant ranting about the mark and its bearer. His mounting pressure on us about the source of an annihilative attack or impediment. Burning us every chance he gets about what deludes him. If you ask me, I would have thought he would have figured it all out by now himself."
The second monitor Xitus, could not help the roar of laughter that burst out of him again. His instant and startling bellow, caused two other monitors at the far side of the chamber to cast furtive looks their way.
"You still do not get it, do you?" Xitus stopped roaring so he could speak. "The ONE who gave the mark and planned the insurgence howbeit covertly. And solely designed the end of everything. Has hidden His actual plans from our master and certainly from us!"
After another spate of laughter, the monitor continued. "He controls everything. Although it does appear otherwise sometimes. He does not cause everything however. That is probably where we come in, with our doom and destruction. But nothing bypasses Him, I tell you." Xitus had now lowered his voice to a whisper. "Do those annoying mortals know this?" Bivus' interest was at a high peak.
"Thankfully very few." Replied the second monitor who sneered in relief. "And those that do, it is simply because they dared and sought to know."
"And for the rest, our slaves they are so to speak. We remain their idols and commanders." Xitus struggled this time to control his roar. He did not want to draw any more attention to himself and his third comrade. "Here is how it works," He started beckoning Bivus to come closer with his upper limb. "We do a lot of roaring, like you just heard me do now." Xitus was shaking with suppressed laughter even as he spoke. "But as much as I hate to tell you this, the loudest roaring lion does so because he really has no teeth. The loudness is to scare the enemy before it becomes a real threat." Bivus stared at him incredulously. Xitus who was enjoying his audience's amazement, grimaced and continued.
"The fierce and powerful One. The real King of the jungle, makes no sound. And just as likely, when He pounces on His prey. Done!" The third monitor gaped at his second counterpart as he tried to stifle what felt like admiration building up in his countenance. Yet he listened on, as that one continued. "He marches on doing His purposed bidding, even as he interweaves our constant interruptions and destructions into His plans."
"Wow!" Exclaimed Bivus. "Why then do we bother? He has it all wrapped up and locked up. Must be like attempting to walk through a mountain."
"Well yes and no." Said Xitus grimacing. "He has an 'achilles heel'."
"What?! All that power and vulnerability too?"
"Yes and no." Reiterated Xitus again. "You see the mortals he has released to their own will and choices. He could snuff them all out with one word. But he does not, because of a word I cannot use and you cannot hear. But nonetheless, they must make the choice and decision to be aligned with Him."
"Sounds easy enough to me." Stated Bivus matter-of-factly.
"Not for the knuckle heads, no." Replied the second monitor with a chuckle.
"Most will choose us. I mean MOST! It is easy and temporarily pleasurable. Though they think the pleasure infinite. And like Heinus once explained to me also. Even without making a choice. By default they will belong to us."
"So what has that got to do with the 'All Powerfull'." Bivus was desperate to know.
"'The All Powerful' will be all hurt for each one that chooses us and our fate. But it would have been their rightful choice to make. And that my comrade, is a worthy hit. Yes we get to sweat and roast here, but not alone. The more of us the crispier." Xitus felt triumphant and his subsequent roar was evidence.
"What happens to the work he did, does and will do. How do we affect and object? I mean apart from the gullible geese."
"We can only precisely stalk him and sometimes replicate a work He has done or is doing. To distract and diminish and confuse its importance. Then monitor, suspect, familiarize ourselves with mortal habits to easily recruit them for our use and their destruction."
"We do have an edge." Stated Bivus pensively and poignantly.
"I would not be in this business if we did not." Declared Xitus amidst another bout of roaring.
"One more thing though," Bivus was not finished. "Was it true that He stuffed his power for a minute, to become a mortal?"
"Oh that incident that was so enervative to us." Xitus eyed his couterpart with surreptitious indignation. "It seemed the ultimate foolishness, when we saw the star and heard the wise men's interpretation. But somehow, the joke was on us. And the 'fly-lord' was not laughing I tell you."
"Really? How did He do it? You know become a mortal?" The third monitor was determined to hear as much as possible.
His second counterpart however sighed in exasperation. But continued his story anyhow. "It happened on a still and holy night......"
Protected by the maid:
The maid began another race back to the baby she had hidden earlier. Defiant in her sprint, propelled by purpose and revived by the wind that beat against her face, she sped. If repeated history or the tales she had heard had taught her anything, it was that the assailants would come back for a body count. They would make sure that what or who they meant to eliminate would be eliminated. She had to hurry she mused. Desperately wanting to do right by the queen her mistress. For all her late majesty had done for her and her hopeless family. This was a drop in the bucket of thankfulness. She would spend her last breath if necessary, to protect her seed.
It was honor, priviledge and no less a miracle, that she was even let into that palace. Not only was she allowed in, but further enthrusted with their most priced possession. And for that, she would guard it fiercely. Guard it, like it was her own flesh and blood. And it could have been hers. Since she was about the same age as her now dead mistress.
As she got closer to the river bank, she heard footsteps and the rustling of leaves. Her heart skipped what might have been several beats at once. Before starting its own thumping race of fear. Of all the spots in the large river area. The sound was coming from the exact location, where she had hidden the baby girl.
Had the soldiers come back this way? Instead of their main advancing route? Did someone see her leave from the palace with the baby the first time? Had the baby woken up and cried out loud? Thereby drawing attention to what should have been a safe and sound hiding place. As her mind rattled with random and perplexing questions, her hand picked up a large fallen branch laying on the grassy soil. Tears welled up in her eyes, at the thought of having gravely dissappointed her beloved mistress and aborted her mission before it even began. A chasmic pain tore through her chest, as she suddenly realized. That indeed there was a large figure looming above the small portable baby cot.
Holding the large stick with two shaky hands. She tip-toed with long but soft strides. She would approach from the side, so that the body did not fall on the baby. Defeating her purpose all over again. The looming figure must have been so enthralled with watching the baby, that they did not hear the maid creep closer. She swung her stick twice and hard across the intruders head. Then continued successively as he buckled to his knees in pain. The swinging tree branch only stopped when he slumped to the side. The young woman then dropped the stick. Stepped over the still body, grabbed the baby from the cot and ran. This time she was running not to bear news. But running for her life and that of an infant princess.
I will rise again:
Up in the place, where no darkness or evil dwells. Two glowing beings looked down on the still body as they clasped their wings together. The taller one turned to his comrade and said; "Let him sleep for now. He will need all the rest later."