When light comes on darkness fades:
Bronid watched his two sons slurp and smack their meal with relish. He felt such rest and near contentment these days. His first son was now gradually on the mend, a state made obvious by the boy's ocassional 'rough-play' with his younger brother. 'Shiny-shoes' still tormented his sleep though sparingly. It appeared somethings were never over until they were dealt a finishing blow. He also observed there was an obstacle in her way when she came lunging in the dark of the night. Gone were those authoritave demands and pain-filled projections he was forced to obey and bear. However, he was acutely aware that he was not her detterent. At least for now he was not. But he would keep at any action or inaction that would eventually lead him to a complete liberation. He had tangled with the unknown and its dark ploys and it almost cost him his life and all he held dear. Regaining all he had lost, would also require an untangling as excrusciating and sacrificial as the false pleasure was temporal and deceptive.
It was not coincidental that most of the high priestess' attacks had started being blocked at about the same time his patient was brought into his home. If a comatose state wielded such power, he shuddered in awe to think what a fully awakened state would generate. At the word awakening, the healer's mind went straight to his patient. He had begun to stir, howbeit slightly. Once Bronid had heard him croak deeply and faintly. Any utterance whatsoever no matter how guttural was welcome to the anxious healer. He could not wait to get acquainted with this mysterious mortal. A mortal who though physically inactive and mentally unconscious, had already left a magnanimous impact on his life and surroundings. The healer had his patient under a near 24hr surveillance. He wanted to be on the lookout for any improvements or the lack thereof.
At the thought of closely observing his temporary ward, the healer grimaced. The second and antagonistic hunter would have been happy to hear that the 'sleeping' man was under the radar, though for a completely different reason. He was yet to re-surface as he had promised in his parting threat. All that glittered he believed were his for the taking. Bronid never gave the menacing assumptions any brooding time. But in the event that there was an intent to execute, he planned to be ready. The first and taller hunter had left amicably, promising to revisit. He had found a friend in Bronid and his family and the healer had left his home open to him in reciprocation.
A bumpy ride away from truth:
"What are you?! Or should I ask; what happened to you?" Ashea managed between sobs induced both by her expectant state and the discomfort of the horse drawn wagon.
"You know who I am," answered Rifra immediately as he tapped the wagon driver on the back. He had to remind that one that the main cargo was still a pregnant woman.
"No I do not who you are or what is growing inside of me," continued Ashea stubbornly and petulantly. "Sshhh!....." Cautioned her husband, pressing his index finger to his lips. "All these strange talk, might scare people away and get us ostracized." Said Rifra as he quickly stole a glance at the wagon driver to make sure he was not listening. "No!" countered a hysterical Ashea. "The real scare ostracization will come when