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A Star is Born (Snakes and Ladders) FACT or FICTION?

Writer's picture: Chioma OnwudiweChioma Onwudiwe

"I have known a vast quantity of nonsense talked about bad men not looking you in the face. Don't trust that conventional idea. Dishonesty will stare honesty out of countenance any day in the week, if there is anything to be got by it."

Charles Dickens


The girl has just finished singing with the group. As the rest of the people trickle out, she sits on the stage (in plain sight) to meditate for a minute or two. Suddenly the husband and wife walks towards her. He sits lackadaisically on the steps like he has all night to chit-chat. And strikes up a weird conversation. As soon as he starts blabbering, the wife starts to sneak out. Something does not feel right to the girl, as the wife begins to walk away. It was on the tip of the girls tongue to say: "Excuse me ma'am, could you take your baggage with you??" But she holds her peace. The wife proceeds to leave in a hurry. What a twisted scenario. As the girl calls back to her, she walks away with a deadly grin and that signature sneer of hers playing on her lips.

Then it dawns on the girl. The woman with the 'scarlet letter', wants to dump her well deserved letter on the girl. Awwwww... What is a poor orphan to do? The most volatile of enemy tactics had just been pulled. Make the victim look guilty, very guilty. Minutes later, 'Papi' and his rusty, devious charms are dismissed in plain-view. Politely.

Phew! How did that snake climb up this corporate ladder?


Attentive and detail-oriented maids swarmed the area with divinely instilled purpose. From the myrrh doused and rose petal induced baths to perfumed oils. Yards of aesthetic fabrics and exotic textile were spread across portions of the floor. The girl herself was turned, twisted and twirled as each department did their part to ready this precious gem for an audience with The GREAT KING.

Her hair was washed, dried and brushed until it shone like the mane of a thoroughbred horse. Sequined fabrics, plated with precious metals draped a tall and well crafted frame. Indeed the MASTER was worthy to delight in the creation of HIS Hands. Skin gleamed and glowed through generous applications of 'sweetly-scented' oils. And the heart, the most necessary and important organ in this exchange was indeed clutter free.

Patches of clouds floated in one dimension, as they collectively formed a buoyant panel. Like bales of drooping cotton, they appeared to be holding hands. As each end, like billions of warm crystal droplets interwove with the other end. The result was a formation so magnificent, it would have made the cluster of Pleiades' seem trivial while mocking Orion's very belt. When sections of the panel dissipated, they disintegrated into blocks of frozen crystal that dropped and rose in fountain-like vigor while it lifted HIS MAJESTY's Throne on high.

Hundreds of winged-creatures moved briskly in symmetrical order, as if to usher in the Throne. But the Throne needed no steering or marshaling, It always had been and always would be. Four impressive and fearsome creatures appeared hovering above the Throne. One looked like a man, the other an eagle, the third a calf and the fourth one a lion. The crystal droplets from the fountain, instantly crystallized in front of the Throne to form a sea of glass. And right on that sea, lay four and twenty golden crowns which belonged to four and twenty heads bowed and stricken in awe.

Thunder barked, lightening flashed, wings flapped, gold clinked on glass and trumpets blared but yet there was a quiet stillness. An oxymoron so daunting and stupefying, it was astonishing to experience and watch.... That was until 'sassy' walked in like 'ratchet on steroids'. She hopped, then she danced to the tune of "you don't know like I know..." Then she jumped some more with hands flailing in the air. Just when the spectators thought it was over, she did the split. This was followed by some sliding dance which had her rolling from one endless section to the other. The surrounding creatures, could not help but join in. Then she (the girl) began talking about getting help to fight the bear, the lion, the big bad wolf, witches, sorcerers. The list was endless. She was so happy to be alive, it was exhausting to watch her 'gratitude fest'.

But THE GREAT KING was delighted. HE tapped His foot (which made the globe sway) as she carried on. She told the four and twenty gentlemen to move over, as she lay flat on her face talking gibberish. The 'Drama Diva' had been wound up indeed! Finally, she fell into a deep sleep. When she woke, there was food set before her. Her clothes had now been changed to some apparel so regal, there were no words to describe them.

When she had finally calmed down (howbeit) for a timeless minute, HIS MAJESTY/THE VOICE Spoke; "Well done my princess." Came the Authoritative affirmation. "Oh GREAT ONE!! They are so proud, cunning and stubborn", lamented the girl. "So was Faro, until the tenth missile leveled him." Comforted THE GREAT KING. "I have a suggestion O GREAT KING," continued the girl. "Would YOU like me to bust some karate moves??" "No, Not at all." Replied HIS MAJESTY/THE VOICE. "The fight belongs to ME and I AM A MAN OF WAR!!!"


Suddenly, a blazing Form of fire appeared. It lifted the girl by the hair and took her to a strange location. But the house was there. There was a wall with a gaping hole in it. She was instructed to look through the hole. When she looked, what she saw made her so sick, her body was wretched in sobs. There were snakes and numerous other creepies, crawling all over the wall The sight was so repulsive and revolting she broke down in disgust...

The couple emerged from their secret meeting place. They were always cautious, but now more than ever it became densely imperative that they be extra careful. As they walked to their respective cars, they passed by a policeman. The policeman saw them, but he pretended to look the other way. He pretended he was looking the other way because he was married to the woman. He knew everything about them both. It was all he could do to get her off his back. He had given her lover a job (as per her demand) and made sure he kept it. That was the only way a truce could be drawn.

He never loved her. The union was about her money and it still lasted because of the greater money they siphoned and still expected. It was always about money for him. Now he had helped create a deadly monster through greed and the bitterness of rejection and worse still, he had innocent blood on his hands!

The woman' s lover is a crook. Confronted by the law, he blamed his irresponsibilities on his 'alter ego'. Claims his identity was stolen. He did not have to worry, mama bear always paid it off. These are 'three peas in a pod', but two of them are playing the third. It is a deadly game, when it is all over only two will live to pay the ultimate price.

And the snakes kept crawling up the wall without a ladder!

"The only worthy climb, is an eternal one." Chioma Onwudiwe

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